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in m-7-letenye-cozeleben

Reflections on the eight-day motorway sticker,

valid for twenty-four hours Your aunt who hasn't seen you in thirty years has died and you have to drive down for the funeral...

grand-prix-budapest-1963-Picko Troberg

1963 - Grand-Prix Budapest

Formula Junior world race in the Városliget On 11 June 1961, the Automobile Club of the Hungarian People's Republic organised an international high-speed...


1977 - The great Zaporozhetsek revision - 1

In the July 1977, January 1978 and November 1979 issues of Autó-Motor, a three-part article appeared on the same subject,...


1978 - The great Zaporozhetsek revision - 2

A three-part article appeared in the July 1977, January 1978 and November 1979 issues of Autó-Motor...


1979 - The great Zaporozhetsek revision - 3

A three-part article appeared in the July 1977, January 1978 and November 1979 issues of Autó-Motor...

Casino coffee machine 1958

1964 - Car wash between factories.

Coffee-lady Casino with coffee machine. Budapest X. 1958 Albertirsai Road Fair, National Agricultural Exhibition and Fair. Image source:...