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1978 - The Volvo 343

Hungarian test of a Swedish car from 1978.


1964 - Who were the "commuters"?

In the January 21, 1964 issue of Autó-Motor, readers of the time could read - among other things - about the "commuters"...


1978 - Made in Hungary 1.

Creators and creations In 1978, Autó-Motor undertook a series of twenty-four articles in which it presented the Hungarian...


1951 - At a deadly pace

The January 15, 1951 issue of Autó-Motor reported the happy news that the driver of the Charkov Car and Motor Club,...


1983 - The Mercedes-Benz W201 is launched,

the 190 was introduced in February 1983 in Autó-Motor, the Mercedes-Benz W-201, which had been launched in December of the previous year,...


1964 - The year when the MÁVAUT site on Andor Street was opened in Budapest

In October 1964, Autó-Motor reported that the three-year construction project, "built to be shown to foreigners, was...