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1964-1973 - About the FIAT 850...

1964-1973 - About the FIAT 850...

...and why there were so many of them on the roads in Hungary Who has lived with his eyes open to cars...


Where 11 000 Lada's are "made" every year

Chronicle of the Bakony Works in Veszprém up to the change of regime (1938-1989) On July 1, 1949, a terse statement was published in the...


1978 - Made in Hungary 2.

Creators and creations In 1978, Autó-Motor undertook a series of twenty-four articles in which it presented the Hungarian...


1957 - Photos from the Csepel car factory

No comment (source: Arcanum / Autó-Motor February 1957) "We don't want to claim that it is as great a plant as...


1956 - The first Wartburg - the 311...

…az 1939-es DKW F-9-es tervei alapján. Csak a külső változott. Wartburg 311/0 Az alap, négyajtós szedán –…


1973-2017 - The Martinelli (Servita) Square car park

The country's first car park in the heart of downtown Pest was an architecturally and commercially unsuccessful venture, and the...