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Hungary, 1966. Budapest XI. Műegyetem rakpart, petrol station. - Image source: Fortepan 252289 / FŐMTERV / Domonkos Endre

1973 - Schoolgirl at the petrol station

Autó-Motor of 21 June 1966 reported the news that "Budapest's biggest petrol station has opened on the Műegyetem quay....


1948 - Eastern comfort, Western excitement.

About the ZISZ-110 From the May 1, 1948 issue of the "Auto" newspaper, in addition to the great news...

Hungarian Trabant 601 brochure from 1974

1974 - Modern and generous

An old, printed acquaintance from fifty years ago 25 years of the GDR 25 years of a reliable trading partner Technical...

Peace loan, peace, 5-year plan... poster by István Czeglédi.

1951 - For your own good, for the good of your country:

Make a note of peace! ... proclaims the front page of the Autó-Motor of 1 October 1951. In the background is the "Autóváros" (Car City) in...

1962 - The rescuing "Neue Klasse"...

1962 - The rescuing "Neue Klasse"...

...the BMW 1500 Although BMW had some impressive car designs before the war, as an aircraft engine manufacturer...

Who drew us beautiful cars: 1908-1986, František Kardaus

Who drew us beautiful cars: 1908-1986, František Kardaus

That there was (car) life on the planet before computers, not just good old -...